To all our partners, readers and friends, we wish a very Merry Christmas |
Care for youth, share by e‧Giving
Christmas means giving and your gift can make dreams come true ...more |
FAT CHOY Fresh choices from HKFYG for Christmas dinner |
HKFYG Cafe 21 Spacious venue for events & activities |
Organic Christmas Hampers: perfect healthy gifts fit for partners, friends and family |
Enrol now for 10K, 3K & and 1 Mile Family Run with HKFYG Community Team Sports |
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Take Rail: One Belt One Road -Sichuan Exchange Tour supported by Commission on Youth |
Joy of Classic Music @Tin Shui Wai (古典悅‧青年音樂匯<第三屆>) sponsored by Yuen Long District Council for 3rd year |
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Learning for Living in Youth Hong Kong December 2017 ...more |